Monday, April 25, 2016

Clash Royale (BIGGG SCUMM)

Are you into all of the hot new trends? Do you like to scum it up and be a big scum? If so Clash Royale is the game for you. For only a small purchase of $0.00 a month, you can play the hottest new app on the market. It has revolutionized the way that the multiplayer system works for handheld devices. You can play with your fellow scums in a clan, for instance a clan that I scum it up in: ROL Family. There are eight arenas that you can play in, each arena associated with a number of trophies. Trophies are won and lost when you win and lose. The main idea is to win games and move up arenas, or move up in trophies.

Well that's all for now folks! Make sure to scum it up on Clash Royale.

Peace out,


Above is a picture of some characters in Clash Royale. The only way to be a big scum is to use the prince (far right).

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Friday Night Lights

Well today I will be talking about my new favorite television show: Friday Night Lights. It´s about a high school football team that against all odds is able to make
The state championship (and win). The dynamic of the show is basically that this coach comes in a brings all of the boys together. Despite all the the boys individual naratives and issued, they all become one big family. It is quite cool to see how people (fictionally) live in places other than Los Angeles. Texas has a completely different vibe than California and has a very TKAM feel to it. Very much so southern life... Be sure to watch FNL on netflix!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Netflix vs Hulu

Hi everyone!

So this blog is going to be about a VERY controversial topic... The two live-streaming platforms that are in my title are the two (main) ways that people watch television other than cable. Personally, I to this day switch between both platforms. The reason being: certain shows sell their rights to either Hulu or Netlfix. For example, Netflix owns the rights to The Office, House of Cards, Master of None, and more shows. Hulu owns the rights to 11.22.63, SNL, The Bachelor, Broklyn-99, Last Man on Earth, and more. Personally I liked the Netlfix original shows much better than the Hulu original shows until I saw 11.22.63 (a Hulu original series). Hulu also puts shows right onto their platform 12 hours after they're released live on cable. I find that feature VERY cool. Hulu promotes themselves as the only real alternative to live TV due to the aforementioned "live TV feature". Netlfix, however has the "classics", whereas Hulu has alot of newer content.

The final verdict...... Hulu is better!

Comment if you agree, disagree, or just want to say something :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Voice Over Work!

Hi everyone!

So I know all these acting blogs have been semi-repetative, but bare with me; this one is interesting. So does the show "Hey Arnold" ring a bell? Well if so, you will be happy to know that (as of now) they're remaking that show! I was approached by my manager with something I had never done: a voice over audition. The problem was that I was given the audition at 6:30 PM and my manager needed a recording of me reading the scipt by the end of the night! I was given a script and a two minute audio clip of the previous voice actor talking. I worked from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM on getting the voice "down" and let me tell you, it was hard work. I finally recorded a take that I liked and I sent it to the manager. The next day, I was approached by a voice-over agent that wanted me to come down the the studio and record my take.... So I will be going to record my lines at that place today after school!

Wish me luck,

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

One Line Audition

So today I had an audition for a pilot of a new TV show called "The Mick". Howver, unlike any other auditions that I've been to, I was only given one singular line. I found it hard to relay to the casting directors that I was "their guy".... I mean, I only had one line!! I was given the following information: I would to be playing a bully that was going to walk up to a smaller kid and say, "Hey Chippy. How your folks liking the clink? They join the Aryan Nation?" That was all the information my agent was able to give to me. So who knows, maybe I'll get it; maybe I won't. It was a cool/challenging experience nonetheless. :)

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Oscars

Hey (again),

So tonight was the oscars! And obviously the elephant in the room is that Leonardo dicaprio won his first Oscar. Personally, I feel he deserved to win it for "Wolf of Wallstreet", but I feel that he was also good in "The Revenant". Brie Larson also won for best actress due to her role in "Room". Brie Larson was phenomanol in that film and I was hoping that the academy would give her the Oscar! I feel that this year was a great year for film and I hope that it will be the same in the years to come. "Spotlight" won best picture, but I can't speak too much in that as I haven't seen the film myself. Well, congratulations to all that won! Good night :)

High school

Hey guys!,

So I'm kind of nervous for high school.... I mean, sure it will be cool  to finally start my road to independence and stuff. But then again in the other hand, it seems like so much work. I meant here is the homework, college prep, extracurricular activities, and a social life. It just seems like so much to balance! I might just be worrying for no reason, but it's scary that in a little bit I'm going to be stepping out of my comfort zone and going to a new school... Anywho, high school isn't for w little while, so I guess I have a little bit more time left before I freak out a worry...



So last week the infamous program "ALEKS" was reinstituted into our learning curriculum. At first, I was horrified. I immediately got flash backs to the previous two grades. The horrendous 2 hours EVERY WEEK that I had to spend on that website. I was petrified! However, after taking my entry exam I kind of got into ALEKS... I've tThe past few days I have found my self doing ALEKS because I want to.. I actually think that it's a good idea to get ahead of the curve using this website. ALEKS has actually been very beneficial to me and I feel that with both Mr. Chamanara and ALEKS I am able to learn the most! So yeah, I guess ALEKS isn't that bad!

Madden Mobile

Hi everyone,
So today I'm going to be talking about a video game application called Madden Mobile. In madden, you can play with your friends, simulate an entire season of the nfl, and build your own team. You can also start a league with your friends and play against other leagues! It's a fun way to kill time, and personally I enjoy the competitiveness of the game. I'm getting pretty good at the game- my overall team is 87 out of 99 which is not amazing but not that bad. All in all, madden is a fun video game and it's even cooler that it's able to be played on my hand held device. It's crazy how times have changed and now we can do so much more!

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Hi everyone,
So this blog is going to be a little more serious than some of my other blogs. So a little back story; about two years ago my grandpa (we call him "Powie"') was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. For those of you who don't know, Alzheimer's is a disease which essentially makes you gradually forget things. At first, Powie could function like a "normal" person with some minor issues remembering little things like the name of somebody he met the day before. Over time, things got worse and Powie started forgetting what he said the moment before and he wasn't present in conversations. He would say "what?" or "come again?" multiple times when you would tell him something. Alzheimer's doesn't currently have a treatment and it's just really hard to see my grandpa slip away from me with my own eyes...  So that's basically what is happening right now. Alzheimer's is a serious disease and completely sucks. Right now Powie is having a hard time walking and struggles to maintain conversations. He has his good days and bad days, but mainly it's just been hard.

Go Panthers!

Hello everybody,
So today I'm going to be talking about who I want to win the Super Bowl. In case you couldn't tell by the title I will be routing for the Carolina Panthers for Super Bowl 50! Some reasons that I will be routing for the Panthers are as follows: I have a lot of family that lives in both South and North Carolina, Cam Newton (the quarterback for the Panthers) was in High School Musical and he invented the dab, and the Panthers are a very lively and fun team to watch. The Super Bowl will be this coming Sunday (Feburary 7th) and the Panthers will be playing the Denver Broncos!
Go Panthers!

Monday, January 18, 2016


Today I will be talking about the art that I love: acting.
In many ways acting has changed my life. It makes me so much happier and gives me something to look forward to everyday. I've been taking acting classes for a while, and now I'm starting to become a working actor. A working actor is someone that acts for money, they have a "team". This team consists of three people: the Agent, the Manager, and the Actor. The manager's job is to debate contracts, make sure all jobs the actor works is up to standard, etc. In some cases the manager also takes the actor to and from auditions. The agents job is to solely submit their client (the actor) for new roles. The agent and the manager both get about 15%-20% of the actors income, meaning the actor usually only makes 60% of their income..
That's all for now, if you have any questions about acting I'd love to answer them :-)