Sunday, January 31, 2016


Hi everyone,
So this blog is going to be a little more serious than some of my other blogs. So a little back story; about two years ago my grandpa (we call him "Powie"') was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. For those of you who don't know, Alzheimer's is a disease which essentially makes you gradually forget things. At first, Powie could function like a "normal" person with some minor issues remembering little things like the name of somebody he met the day before. Over time, things got worse and Powie started forgetting what he said the moment before and he wasn't present in conversations. He would say "what?" or "come again?" multiple times when you would tell him something. Alzheimer's doesn't currently have a treatment and it's just really hard to see my grandpa slip away from me with my own eyes...  So that's basically what is happening right now. Alzheimer's is a serious disease and completely sucks. Right now Powie is having a hard time walking and struggles to maintain conversations. He has his good days and bad days, but mainly it's just been hard.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sorry. Before my 90 year old grandfather passed away last year, he had dementia and also suffered from short term memory loss. At one point, he didn't even remember who I was and asked what grade I was in 3 times within a period of 15 minutes. It's hard. I send all of my love to you, your family, and Powie. <3
