Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Oscars

Hey (again),

So tonight was the oscars! And obviously the elephant in the room is that Leonardo dicaprio won his first Oscar. Personally, I feel he deserved to win it for "Wolf of Wallstreet", but I feel that he was also good in "The Revenant". Brie Larson also won for best actress due to her role in "Room". Brie Larson was phenomanol in that film and I was hoping that the academy would give her the Oscar! I feel that this year was a great year for film and I hope that it will be the same in the years to come. "Spotlight" won best picture, but I can't speak too much in that as I haven't seen the film myself. Well, congratulations to all that won! Good night :)

High school

Hey guys!,

So I'm kind of nervous for high school.... I mean, sure it will be cool  to finally start my road to independence and stuff. But then again in the other hand, it seems like so much work. I meant here is the homework, college prep, extracurricular activities, and a social life. It just seems like so much to balance! I might just be worrying for no reason, but it's scary that in a little bit I'm going to be stepping out of my comfort zone and going to a new school... Anywho, high school isn't for w little while, so I guess I have a little bit more time left before I freak out a worry...



So last week the infamous program "ALEKS" was reinstituted into our learning curriculum. At first, I was horrified. I immediately got flash backs to the previous two grades. The horrendous 2 hours EVERY WEEK that I had to spend on that website. I was petrified! However, after taking my entry exam I kind of got into ALEKS... I've tThe past few days I have found my self doing ALEKS because I want to.. I actually think that it's a good idea to get ahead of the curve using this website. ALEKS has actually been very beneficial to me and I feel that with both Mr. Chamanara and ALEKS I am able to learn the most! So yeah, I guess ALEKS isn't that bad!

Madden Mobile

Hi everyone,
So today I'm going to be talking about a video game application called Madden Mobile. In madden, you can play with your friends, simulate an entire season of the nfl, and build your own team. You can also start a league with your friends and play against other leagues! It's a fun way to kill time, and personally I enjoy the competitiveness of the game. I'm getting pretty good at the game- my overall team is 87 out of 99 which is not amazing but not that bad. All in all, madden is a fun video game and it's even cooler that it's able to be played on my hand held device. It's crazy how times have changed and now we can do so much more!